Nine of Indian ports have found their position among top 100 global ports ranked by World Bank Container Port Performance Index in 2023. Visakhapatnam Port occupies 19th position, making its way in the top 20 list. Adani Mundra ranked 27. These ports have come up a long way from Visakhapatnam’s 115th rank and Mundra’s 48th position in the 2022 year ranking of the World Bank. Visakhapatnam Port made to the top 20 by demonstrating 27.5 moves per crane hour, turnaround time of 21.4 hours and lowest berth idle time. Other ports featuring in the top 100 are Pipavav Port at 41st position, Kamarajar Port at 47th rank, Cochin port at 63rd place, Hazira on 68th number, Krishnapatnam Port on 71st position, Chennai on 80 and JNPA at 96th place.