Home » News » AMTOI’S 23rd AGM HELD ON 28th SEPTEMBER 2022


The Association of Multimodal Transport Operators of India – AMTOI, held its 23rd AGM on the 28th of September 2022 at the Royal Bombay Yacht Club, Mumbai.

President Mr. Xerrxes Master welcomed everyone and addressed the gathering at the 23rd AGM which was being held physically after a gap of 3 years.

The AGM proceedings started at 1600 Hrs with high tea for members followed by the commencement of the meeting from 1700hrs. After the presentation of the Annual report for the term 2021-22 by the Hon. Secretary Mr. Arun Kumar and the Audited financial report by the Hon. Treasurer Mr. Devpal Menon, the results of the election to two posts of the executive committee were announced. Mr.Arun Kumar and Mr. George Abrao were elected unopposed.

This was followed by the customary presentation of citations by Mr. Xerxxes Master to its members, M/s. Continental Carriers Pvt Ltd for completion of 50 Years and M/s Kintetsu World Express India Pvt Ltd for completion of 25 Years in Business

In addition to the citations of honor, AMTOI had started a new practice since last year of issuing Certificates of Loyalty to its members for their continued patronage and commitment to Multimodalism. These are presented to Companies which have completed 10 and 20 years as members of AMTOI. For this year, the Certificates of Loyalty was presented by Mr. R.K. Rubin to 14 members who completed 10 Years and 6 members who completed 20 years as valued members of AMTOI

The floor was opened for members to discuss Any other business.

The program then moved on to welcoming our Chief Guest Mr. Rizwan Soomar CEO & MD (Subcontinent) DP World who spoke on a very interesting topic “Multimodalism and Ports – Two Peas in a Pod”. His valuable insights kept the audience captivated to their seats and the interactive Q&A session went well beyond its time limit. Many key take ways were there on the way forward for the members present.

The AGM concluded with Mr. Arun Kumar, Hon. Secretary giving the vote of thanks.

Post conclusion of the AGM, the 1st Executive Committee meeting for the year 2022-2023 was held at 1915 Hrs at the same venue.

During the 1st Executive Committee, the following office bearers were elected for the term 2022-2023

Mr. Xerrxes Master – President

Ms. Anjali Bhide – Vice President

Mr. Arun Kumar – Honorary Secretary Mr. Devpal Menon – Honorary Treasurer


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