Krishnapatnam Port welcomed M. V. Combi Dock I of Gamesa Renewable, which arrived with a huge windmill project cargo. Krishnapatnam Port has a dedicated berth to handle ODC and can bear capacity of 12 tonnes per sq. metre, the highest for any berth in any port in India.
Anil Yendluri, CEO and Director of Krishnapatnam Port Ltd said, “We are very pleased to welcome Gamesa and look forward to a rewarding professional relationship. This will substantially reduce transit time in these areas and will also minimise the cost, which will be of a huge benefit to our customers.’’
Krishnapatnam Port has the entire infrastructure ready to handle windmill consignments. Windmill exports through Krishnapatnam Port will facilitate taking advantage of the logistics and supply chain benefits, eventually reducing the overall cost of every MW windmill installation. The benefits would be in terms of connectivity, huge storage space and the massive infrastructure available at the port.