The 30th annual general body meeting of the Customs Brokers’ Association-Hyderabad (CBAH) will be held on January 6. According to association president S. Anil Kumar, the body will shortly be celebrating its 35th anniversary and will also organise the Executive Committee meeting of the Federation of Freight Forwarders’ Associations in India (FFFAI), the national apex body comprising 32 Customs Brokers Associations from across the country with a membership of over 5,000 logistics service providers.
All members of the association are licensed Customs Brokers under Section 146 of The Customs Act, 1962, along with the regulations made thereunder. The association currently holds consultative status and its office-bearers are invited as members of the International Trade Committee of the Federation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FTCCI) and other trade bodies.