
September 24, 2020: The Association of Multimodal Transport Operators of India – AMTOI, held its 21st AGM on the 16th of September 2020 using a virtual platform for the 1st time. Using the virtual platform saw a lot more participation at the AGM by members from other regions in India.

The well attended AGM was followed by a well curated “AMTOI Dialogues“ session with two very eminent speakers namely, Mr. Suresh Parekh from Polestar Maritime and Mr. Tigmanshu Dhulia a renowned Director from the film Industry to give a different perspective from outside the industry on the current business scenario.

Mr. Shantanu Bhadkamkar, President, AMTOI, welcomed the Chief Guest, the speakers and attendees.

The AGM proceedings started on time with a brief moment spent in silence paying homage to those who lost their lives during the year – the brave soldiers protecting our borders, the front line COVID 19 warriors, the police personnel, and our AMTOI members. After presentation of the Annual report for the term 2019 -20 by the Hon. Secretary Mr. George Abrao and the Audited financial report by the Hon. Treasurer Ms. Anjali Bhide, the results of the election to two posts of the managing committee was announced.

This was followed by the customary presentation of citation by the President Mr. Shantanu Bhadkamkar to members – M/s Tulsidas Khimji Pvt. Ltd. for completing 125 years, M/s L P (India) Logistics Pvt. Ltd. – 100 years, M/s Nabros Transport Co Pvt. Ltd. – 50 years, and for completing 25 years to M/s AMI Global Logistics Pvt. Ltd., M/s Atlas Shipping Services Pvt. Ltd., M/s Cargomar Pvt. Ltd. & M/s PDP group.

The program then moved on to a very interesting and informative “AMTOI Dialogues” session which was craftly moderated by Mr. Xerrxes Master the Vice President of AMTOI.
The first speaker for this session Mr. Tigmanshu Dhulia spoke on how the film industry has adapted to the changes post the COVID 19 with the importance and relevance of OTT or Over the Top Media platforms like Netflix, Amazon, Disney, Hotstar etc. in view of the current pandemic. He also shed considerable light on how the industry is combatting the situation and how he foresees the future shaping up. Mr. Master also, questioned Mr. Dhulia on the raging debate on nepotism currently prevalent in the industry.

The second session with the very renowned shipping industry stalwart Mr. Suresh Parekh dealt on the subject of the relevance of “family business” in our industry today, their branding, legacy and how to meet the challenges of the future including combatting the current situation. Mr. Suresh Parekh in his inimitable style floored the audience with his frank and forthright views. He impressed young and old with his zest, enthusiasm and optimistic outlook in these very challenging times.

Both sessions were followed by a Q&A session which saw active participation from the audience.

AMTOI has for the very first time recorded these sessions and is now available on its Youtube channel for posterity and benefit of its members.

The AGM concluded with Mr. George Abrao the Hon. Secretary giving the vote of thanks.
On conclusion of the knowledge session, the 1st Managing Committee of the year 2020-2021 was held again on virtual platform.
The following office bearers were elected for the year 2020-21
Mr. Shantanu Bhadkamkar – President
Mr. Xerrxes Master – Vice President
Ms. Anjali Bhide – Honorary Secretary
Ms. Arun Kumar – Honorary Treasurer


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