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Annual Shipping Conclave on “Changing Scenario of Indian Ports”



Shipping industry forms a major part of a country’s overall infrastructure. It plays a vital role in the maritime trade of the country and contributes considerably in the growth of the EXIM trade. In this regard, it is of utmost importance to have well developed Ports. It is of great interest that India is today witnessing huge investments in the Port Sector which is evident in the increase in the number of new ports on the West and East Coasts of India.

With this perspective in view, the Shipping Committee of BCC&I organized a full day Seminar on the “Changing Scenario of Indian Ports ” on Friday the 10th November 2017 at 10.00 a.m. at Williamson Magor Hall, BCC&I (6, Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata: 700001). The seminar highlighted the infrastructure facilities of the major ports as well as that of Private Ports.

The conclave offered a platform to understand the present status of the Infrastructure facilities of ports in our country and to draw up an Action Plan on further requirements, highlight deficiencies and chart the way ahead for improvements, last mile Road and Rail connectivity for ensuring free flow of cargo in and out of ports. Such short, middle and long term planning will result to a level in line with International Standards and capability to compete with Foreign Ports.

Besides, the conclave also formalized the Way Ahead on development and investments in the Port Sector to enable increase in the cargo handling capacity which in turn will reduce Logistic Costs for the Exim Trade.



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