Marine products exports from India touched $4.6 billion last year and Andhra Pradesh alone contributed 43 per cent of the export turnover said Mr Unnikrishnan, Joint Deputy Director General of Federation of Indian export organisation (FIEO) while addressing the Niryat Bandhu program on Marine Clusters for exporters.
Export from the Southern State was around $2 billion he said adding the Andhra Pradesh Government provided excellent support to the industry to grow. With the continued support of the state government the share of Andhra Pradesh in marine product exports is expected to cross fifty per cent during the current financial year.
The total exports from Andhra Pradesh was around $5.7 billion. The state has huge potential in agro and food processing industry, textiles and pharmaceuticals. Mr Unnikrishnan said FIEO has plans to develop product specific centers in each district of the state with the support of the local chambers of commerce and trade associations.
On stepping up marine product exports from the country he said the exporters should upgrade their quality to meet the higher standards demanded in countries with huge potential like Europe and United States. Exporters may also be required to register with authorities like FDA since there are regulations pertaining to factory certification for traceability.