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Chennai Customs facilitates trade through DPD Cell/RMS Facilitation Centre


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC) has been taking various initiatives to promote ‘Ease of Doing Business’ and ‘Trade Facilitation’ on the backdrop of WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement coming into force.

Under the aegis of CBEC, Chennai Customs has been already facilitating the trade through Direct Port Delivery (DPD) facility for Authorised Economic Operators (AEO)—importers and automobile manufacturers. In order to widen the scope of DPD facility, Chennai Customs, under the leadership of Chief Commissioner, Mr Pranab Kumar Das, IRS, inaugurated the ‘DPD Cell/RMS Facilitation Centre’ in Chennai Customs on March 1, 2017.

Through this initiative, now 224 importers, in addition to AEO clients and automobile manufacturers, are also entitled to avail the DPD facility in the cases of RMS Bills of Entry from Chennai and Kattupalli ports as per Facility Circular No.5/2017.

Benefits of Direct Port Delivery:

* Direct delivery from Chennai and Kattupalli ports.

* No need to move containers to CFS for Customs clearance.

* Customs clearance in DPD Cell in Chennai Customs House itself.

* Less dwell time and faster clearance, promoting Just-in-Time production.

* Less transaction cost and more cost savings to the trade.
To add further to this facility, these clients will be able to get Customs clearance for RMS Bills of Entry from the DPD Cell located in Chennai Customs House itself, instead of approaching any CFS, thereby saving time and the cost of import clearance. The details of the facility and procedures to avail DPD are given in Facility Circular No.5/2017.

Any manufacturer-importer who is not an AEO or automobile manufacturer or is not listed in the 224 clients in Annexure A in Facility Circular No.5/2017, but who wishes to avail this DPD facility, can submit an application to the Deputy Commissioner (DPD Cell), Chennai Customs House, said a communiqué.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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