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CMA CGM revises West Africa network

WAZZAN will deploy a full fleet of 1,700 TEU nominal capacity, and a dedicated Central Range Feeder to serve Monrovia, San Pedro, and Takoradi through Abidjan on a weekly basis.

CMA CGM announced a reshuffle of its West Africa services, according to which EURAF 3 service will be discontinued, WAZZAN will deploy a full fleet of 1,700 TEU nominal capacity, and a dedicated Central Range Feeder will serve Monrovia (Liberia), San Pedro (Ivory Coast), and Takoradi (Ghana) through Abidjan (Ivory Coast) on a weekly basis.

Meanwhile, the new weekly North Range Feeder will offer Banjul (Gambia) via Dakar (Senegal), and upsized MEDWAX will include Freetown (Sierra Leone) in its rotation.

CMA CGM said these changes will include a higher frequency to/from Monrovia, San Pedro, Takoradi, and Banjul and additional links to the carrier’s major loops (EURAF 1, MEDWAX, WAX). Also, the French company noted that it will offer increased transfers from/to Monrovia, San Pedro, Takoradi, and Banjul and a direct link between Sierra Leone and the West Mediterranean.

The MEDWAX service will still be offered in 35 days with five vessels of 2,500 to 3,500 TEU withj the following port rotation:

Barcelona (Spain) – Marseille (France) – Valencia (Spain) – Algeciras (Spain) – Tanger (Morocco) – Dakar (Senegal) – Conakry (Guinea) – Freetown (Sierra Leone) – Abidjan (Ivory Coast)– Barcelona

The vessel New Yorker will be the first to sail under the updated port rotation with an expected time of arrival (ETA) in Tanger on 1 April, Freetown on 15 April, and Abidjan on 18 April.

Transit times:

From / ToDakarConakryFreetownAbidjan
Barcelona, Spain15182023
Marseille, France13161822
Valencia, Spain11141619
Antwerp, BelgiumEURAF 12123EURAF 1
Jebel Ali, UAEEURAF 13537EURAF 1
Shanghai, ChinaEURAF 14749EURAF 1

The Central Range Feeder will be operated in 14 days with two vessels of 1,300 TEU with the following port rotation:

Abidjan (Ivory Coast) – Monrovia (Liberia) – San Pedro (Ivory Coast) – Takoradi (Ghana) – Abidjan

CMA CGM Atlantic West will be the first boxship sailing under the new port rotation and is expected to arrive in Abidjan on 20 March.

Transit Times

From / ToMonroviaSan PedroMonrovia
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire2612
Barcelona, Spain252935
Marseille, France242834
Valencia, Spain212531

Additionally, the North Range Feeder will connect Banjul (Gambia) and Dakar (Senegal) on a weekly basis with one vessel and the updated port rotation will be as follows:

Transit Times

From / ToBanjul
Dakar, Senegal2
Barcelona, Spain12
Marseille, France15
Valencia, Spain13

Furthermore, the WAZZAN service will still be operated in 35 days with five vessels of 1,700 TEU as follows:

Tanger (Morocco) – Algeciras (Spain) – Nouakchott (Mauritania) – Dakar (Senegal) – Bissau 1/2 (West Africa) – Nouadhibou (Mauritania) – Las Palmas (Gran Canaria) – Tanger

Transit Times

From / ToNouakchottBissauNouadhibou
Antwerp, Belgium151926
Le Havre, France101421
Valencia, Spain91320
Ambarli, Turkey202431
Casablanca, Morocco101421
Shanghai, China414552

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