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Commercial vehicles can be scrapped even before 15 years

Automated testing of a vehicle and its results will define whether a vehicle will be scrapped, say the Road Transport Ministry’s draft rules on setting up of testing centre.

Automated testing of a vehicle and its results will define whether a vehicle will be scrapped, say the Road Transport Ministry’s draft rules on setting up of testing centre.

So, any commercial vehicle irrespective of its age (and even before it attains 15 years) would be phased out, if it fails to pass the automated fitness test after two chances, explained a source interpreting the draft rule issued by the Road Transport Ministry. These will come into effect from October 1, 2020.

The move will impact commercial vehicles – like all trucks, buses, cabs, among others — as they are required to go for testing more frequently than private vehicles. As per present norms, after a new, factory rolled out vehicle is bought, commercial vehicles have to be tested once every two years for eight years, and then they are required to be tested every year. Private vehicles on the other hand have to be tested after 15 years, explained SP Singh, Senior Fellow, Indian Foundation of Transport Research and Training (IFTRT).

Retest possible

The owner of a vehicle that fails the test can apply for a re-evaluation of its vehicle through automated tests. “Any person aggrieved by the test result shall, within two days of the date of receipt of such result, submit an appeal to the Appellate Authority, through a portal specified by Road Ministry. Such appeal shall be accompanied by the required fee and copy of the test result. The Appellate Authority may order a partial or complete re-inspection of the vehicle, within five working days of receipt of such appeal,” say the draft.

However, if the vehicle fails the test twice, then it has to be scrapped. It will then be automatically deregistered from the VAHAN Database, country’s centralised vehicle portal.

Testing process, results to be vahan-linked

The Road Ministry will set up an online mechanism for appointment for testing of vehicles. The test report shall be sent to the registered owner or authorised signatory through electronic mode. The test report shall include the station name and registration number; date and time of the test; vehicle details like registration number, type, make and model; visual test results; measured and permissible values of tests conducted; last date of equipment calibration of Automated Testing Station in respect of each equipment on which tests are conducted, among others. The results shall also be integrated with VAHAN database, as per the notification.

Conflict of interest

To prevent conflict of interest, the Automated Testing Station shall act as test-only facility and shall not provide any services related to repair of vehicles or sale or manufacturing of auto spares, said the Ministry. Testing officials shall be required to maintain strict confidentiality of information regarding test results related to vehicle make and type.

Source : The Hindu Businessline


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