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CONCOR announces discount scheme for moving empties

CONCOR announces revised additional discount scheme on rail freight of empty containers repositioning based on incremental imports

In partial modification of our existing scheme, CONCOR is pleased to offer the revised Additional Discount scheme on empty containers moved from various Gateway Ports/Portside CFSs to hinterland terminals including empty containers moved from One terminal to another Terminal for export purpose based on the incremental import volumes offered by the shipping lines.

The major highlights of the modified scheme are given below:

  • Under the scheme CONCOR is not collecting rail freight for empty containers from Port to hinterland Terminals at the time of booking.
  • 50% discount will also be applicable on empty containers booked between two terminals subject to the terms & conditions of the scheme.

The detailed scheme is as under:

  • The rail freight for movement of empty containers from various gateway ports/portside CFSs to hinterland terminals/Pvt. Sidings/CRTs as per the extant policy will not be charged at the time of booking of the empty containers at the gateway ports from the shipping lines.
  • For the incremental volume of imports booked by the shipping lines, the empty container rail freight for equivalent number of empty containers on weighted average basis will be considered for offering discount and for the balance empty containers, the rail freight accrued on weighted average basis will be collected from the respective PDA/CPDA/CCA of the shipping lines subject to extant discount schemes.
  • In case the incremental volume of imports offered by the shipping line is more than the number of empty containers moved by the shipping line from various gateway ports/Portside CFSs to hinterland terminals/Private Sidings/CRTs on the same month, then for the balance number of containers, the volume of empty containers moved by the shipping lines during the same month from one CONCOR terminal to another CONCOR terminal including Private sidings/CRTs (Only Import destuffed empties) will also be considered.
  • 50% of the weighted average freight for such Terminal-to-Terminal empty container movement of the shipping line will be considered as discounted freight for the balance of incremental imports offered by the shipping line during the month and will be refunded to the shipping line after reconciliation of the monthly volumes.

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