Home » Trending » DCCAA AGM elects new Managing Committee; PS Atree re-elected as President for 2017-19

DCCAA AGM elects new Managing Committee; PS Atree re-elected as President for 2017-19



The Delhi Customs Clearing Agents Association (DCCAA) has held its 34th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 19 at Siri Fort Auditorium in New Delhi. At this AGM the association has elected new office bearers and managing committee members for the year 2017-19. After completing his 2015-17 tenure, Mr PS Atree has been re-elected as President of DCCAA.

The office bearers and managing committee members are the following:
Office Bearers:
1.Mr PS Atree-President
2.Mr Puneet Jain-Vice President
3.Mr Gurvinder Singh-Hony Secretary
4.Mr Bhim Singh Jain-Hony Joint Secretary
5.Mr Harjit Singh-Hony Treasurer
Managing Committee Members:
6.Mr Anil Kumar Chand
7.Mr Deepak Kumar Verma
8.Mr Devendra Singh Bhadoria
9.Mr Jogesh Sethi
10.Mr Kuldeep
11.Mr Ram Naresh Yadav
12.Mr Satya Pal Singh
13.Mr Vaneet Aggarwal

At its first meeting held on November 20 at DCCAA office at Jhandewalan Extension in New Delhi, the new managing committee of the association held discussions on several issues, which would be the focus areas for 2017-19. “We will focus more on transparency, awareness on various issues, trends in customs clearing business and skill development. To raise the industry issues with an objective for desired solutions DCCAA will be represented in all related fora,” informed Mr PS Atree.
Currently DCCAA is having 952 members and the new committee has set a target to increase the membership strength up to 1500 during 2017-19 tenure. “We will work for awareness programmes round the year and assist equipping our members to comply with new trends and requirements, especially regarding technology and digitization,” added Mr Puneet Jain. In addition, for the first time the association will also appoint a legal firm for benefit & support to its members.

Commenting on the new initiatives from the government of India to facilitate customs broking and logistic business in the country Mr Atree highly appreciated the efforts on ease of doing business by adopting various industry friendly steps viz Single Window Customs Clearance, DPD, AEO, advance customs clearance, reduced dwell time, GST, e-sanchit etc. “We will inform our members all updates on those initiatives on day to day basis for the greater interest of the industry,” Mr Jain shared.



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