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First maritime cluster to be developed in Goa


August 12, 2020: Konkan Maritime Cluster Announces allotment of 14,380 sq. mtr. land by Government of Goa for setting up of Common Facility centre in Verna Industrial Estate.

Goa has been building ships from time immemorial and the strategic location on west coast of India is enroute major international shipping routes. The proximity to major resources and positive minded Goans have made a natural progression to coastal shipping and shipbuilding as one of the growth contributors to Goan economy and ancillary to mining.

In years to follow , prudent and enterprising individuals explored shipbuilding and maritime sector for further prospects and there is now an ecosystem established of ship designers , ship builders , repairers and equipment manufacturers with associated ancillaries .

A maritime cluster of over 150 enterprises formed over a period of 2 generations and Goa is now holding the largest and most competent potential in terms of skill, manpower and experience in maritime field which is exporting ships to European and Asia- Pacific regions. Ships built in Goa are serving the entire coastline of India.

The true potential of this cluster was identified by Office of DG shipping in 2018 , when the Primordial thought of establishing the SPV in Goa was tabled by Dr Malini Shankar during her visit to Goa , for the benefit of Goan Youth and provide the necessary support for existing talent in Goan shipbuilding .She proposed to set up the common facility center with facilities under the MSME -CDP scheme that provides one time grant up to INR 15 crore.

This would allow the enterprises to access modern technology without having to burden the cost of finance and focus on development of the product thus contribute to the socio-economic development of Goa.

On 24th sept 2018 , 25 enterprises from the cluster of units, came together and incorporated the SPV ,under name of Western shipbuilding pvt ltd , which today has been renamed to Konkan Maritime Cluster , a nonprofit making organization and increased membership of 49 MSME units .

The SPV has undertaken the diagnostic study and subsequently the detailed project report approval from state level steering committee which is constituted by MSME , DITC and KVIB .

Last two years of persistent efforts from members and support from Secretary Industries – Miss NIila Mohanan, DG shipping -Mumbai Mr. Amitabh Kumar , CEO Goa Investment promotion Board – Mrs. Nidhi Satija, Captain of Ports – Panaji – Capt. James Braganza , Office of Khadi village industries board -Directorate Industries Mr Dangi , Director MSME Mr Akadas and Assistant Director MSME Mr Kulkarni , the SPV has been able to formulate into a big opportunity for Goa.

The timely guidance and deputation of nodal officer for this cluster support by Shri Vishwajit Rane will be the most important role in history of Cluster .

This Cluster will ensure sustainable development and big employment for the Goans. The skill center will give access to the individuals for improving and adding skills required by the industry .

The allotment of land to this common facility center has been the first step in that direction and We will remain ever thankful to Hon. Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant , Hon Chief Secretary Shri Parimal Rai and Chairman GIDC Mr Glenn Ticlo for creating the path to making Goa the shipbuilding capital of India .

Konkan Maritime Cluster is the Pride of Indian maritime and signifies the becoming of MSMEs as a promising force for sustainable growth in shipbuilding and every other manufacturing sector.

The Board of Directors – Mr. Suraj Dialani (Ship Builder). Mr Atrey Sawant (Ship Builder), Capt. Nitin Dhond (Ship Owner & Management), Mr. Dilip Sawant (Ship Designer), Mr. Brijesh Manerikar (Ship Equipment Manufacturing), Mr. Atul Jadhav (Ship Repairs), , Mr. Ratnakar Dandekar (Ship Builder) & Mr. Prasad Sawant (Ship Designer) thank every member of the Cluster and SPV for their confidence and support in this venture.

Source: smefutures.com


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