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IIT Hyderabad and Monash University collaborate to transform mineral supply chains

Monash University in Austalia and IIT Hyderabad have teamed up to transform global supply chains of critical minerals using sustainable and innovative research.

In this regard, the Australia-India Critical Minerals Research Hub (AICMRH) has been established which will bring together top researchers to evolve sustainable strategies for mining and processing critical minerals.

AICMRH is approved by the Indian Ministry of Education and will provide expertise in critical minerals extraction, sustainable mining practices, and supply chain analysis.

IIT Hyderabad and Monash University have also established a Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centers (SPARC) proposal, which brings together various Indian and Australian universities, R&D labs, and industries in the critical minerals sector. Recently sanctioned by the MoE with $1.15 million in funding, this collaboration is poised to strengthen India-Australia partnerships in this crucial field.

The collaboration will focus on skill building to advance sustainable resource management, aligning with the G20’s commitment to diversifying supply chains for energy transitions. Key areas of focus include carbon capture, storage, and utilization, coal preparation and upgrading, and reducing fugitive emissions from coal mining.


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