Home » Articles » Import laden containers moved from JN Port terminals to CFSs & cleared by importers from the CFSs during the period March 23 to April 18, 2020

Import laden containers moved from JN Port terminals to CFSs & cleared by importers from the CFSs during the period March 23 to April 18, 2020


Container Freight Stations (CFSs) have been playing a commendable role in the midst of the pandemic and its resultant constraints. Summarised in the accompanying table is the trend of import containers cleared from all five (5) JN Port terminals by CFSs from March 22 to April 18, 2020 and also the deliveries of import containers in TEUs taken by importers.

The table appears to show that while there been a steady flow of containers from the port to CFSs, outward movement from the CFSs leaves much to be desired. During most of the time periods given, importers have picked up much less than half of the boxes that have come to the CFSs. It could be that given the current situation, importers are facing constraints like shortage of trailers and drivers in moving out their containers. However, as seen in the table, things seem to be improving from mid-April. Given the rate at which containers are being picked up from the CFSs and considering their limited capacity, it is likely that the CFSs will become full. Sources have told us that unless a firm directive is issued to clear the import containers from the CFSs at the earliest, the situation might worsen.


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