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IRISL transports over 3k tons transit cargo via N-S corridor

Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) announced it has transported more than 3,000 tons of shipments and 114 TEU containers through the North-South Corridor over the past two months.

Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) in its latest report announced that it has transported more than 3,000 tons of shipments and 114 TEU containers through the North-South Corridor over the past two months.

IRISL transported the mentioned volume of transit cosnignments from May 22 to July 23 through North-South Transport Corridor.

According to the IRISL statement, the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and also special geopolitical situation of Iran in the region have laid suitable ground for the revival of North-South Corridor, so this issue has created a great business opportunity for the Islamic Republic of Iran on the international stage.

Russians and Indians know very well that the “transit time” of transporting goods on routes through Black Sea and Suez Canal take something between 45 and 60 days, and goods on these two routes from ports of Central Asian countries to East Asian countries roam 14,000 km which is considered a very long way. However, the same goods reach their destination via the North-South corridor using Iranian Bandar Abbas and Chabahar ports in only 14 to 15 days which is a third of that time.

Over 3,000 tons of goods and 114 TEU containers have been transported by the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines on North-South Corridor from May 22 to July 23 in the current year, showing a considerable growth as compared to the same period of last year, IRISL added.


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