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J.M.Baxi & Co. handle heaviest lift on/off operations at Mumbai Port

J.M. Baxi & Co. have recorded handling of the heaviest packages as a Lift On/Off operation from Mumbai port.

J.M. Baxi & Co. have recorded handling of the heaviest packages as a Lift On/Off operation from Mumbai port, the vessel Poolgracht arrived at Mumbai on 03rd May and sailed out on 11th of May’21, loading 2 X H/L packages, weighing 961.125 M/Ton each and carrying a total of 6 packages / 1928 M/Tons / 7242 CBM.

The Operation in lieu of its weight along with its length was quite critical and was carried out under the strict supervision of the Vessel’s crew as the Ship stability had to be monitored by the Master / Chief Officer during the course of loading. The agency and stevedoring team of J.M. Baxi & Co. along with experienced staff of Mumbai Port provided full support to the Vessel crew in loading the heavy packages safely without causing any damage to the vessel or the port property.
J.M. Baxi & Co. yet again reaches this feat and it is a proud moment for the entire team to be part of this achievement and takes this opportunity to thank Mumbai port for extending their support in successfully handling the cargo in their port.


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