Home » News » Jawaharlal Nehru Customs house proposes universal seal reader to expedite shipping bills processing

Jawaharlal Nehru Customs house proposes universal seal reader to expedite shipping bills processing

In order to speed up the processing of shipping bills, in the interest of the trade, the Jawaharlal Nehru Customs House (JNCH) has initiated the process to introduce Universal Seal Reader (USR)

The announcement was made by Rajesh Pandey, I.R.S., Chief Commissioner of Customs, JNCH, Mumbai Customs Zone – II at the Open House Meeting.

The Customs Commissioners from Jawaharlal Nehru Port and the Mumbai Port shared various digitization initiatives to expedite EXIM cargo clearance process at the meeting.

The Open House Meeting was organised by WTC Mumbai and All India Association of Industries (AIAI).

“Such a Universal Seal Reader will streamline processing of shipping bills by facilitating paper-less process and smooth processing of export cargo. It also has the potential to eliminate the need for registration of self-sealed containers at the customs when they arrive at the Centralized Parking Plaza (CPP),” said Pandey.

JNCH has tasked the Custodian of its Centralised Parking Plaza (CPP) to create software application for integration of all the vendors of electronic self-seal, thereby eliminating the need for scanning the different types of electronic seal individually.

“Further, this is envisaged to be taken forward so that the data of the self-sealed export containers can be automatically integrated with the Customs ICEGATE,” added Pandey.

The average time taken by the Indian customs for clearance of import cargo has declined to 85 hours in 2023 because of various digitization and paper-less initiatives undertaken to process import consignments, Pandey informed.

Vivek Pandey, I.R.S., Commissioner (Import- I), Mumbai Customs Zone – I suggested importers to opt for the Anonymised Escalation Mechanism (AEM) in case their Bill of Entry is not assessed within 24 hours under the Faceless Assessment system. Importers can also raise their grievances at the Turant Suvidha Kendra to expedite cargo clearance.

R K Singh, Commissioner Zone I, Mumbai informed the trade about the system driven trade facilitation to importers and exporters accredited under the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) program.

He explained the major incentives given to such accredited importers and exporters, namely Defer Payment of Duty, reduced Bank Guarantee, facilitation of their cargo under Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA). Singh informed that India has signed MRA with South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and USA and is in the process of signing similar agreements with other countries like UK, Malaysia, Indonesia etc. He urged trade to join Indian AEO Program to reduce the clearance time and cost and to ease the Trading Across Border.


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