Home » JNPT » JNPT becomes first Major Port to install Radiological Detection Equipment(RDE) at Road and Rail Gates

JNPT becomes first Major Port to install Radiological Detection Equipment(RDE) at Road and Rail Gates



The Marine Department of the port had initiated installation and commissioning of Radiological Detection Equipments at all the exit gates including the Rail Gates. As per MOS directives, the work was awarded to M/s Electronic Corporation of India (ECIL) in 2012 at a total cost of Rs.23.324 crores.
Twenty-eight Nos. Vehicle Monitor Systems have been installed at the Road, Rail, Exit Gates. Out of these 11 Nos. are at North Gate Complex, 3 Nos. at the South Gate Complex, 7 Nos, at Central Gate Complex and 7 Nos. at Railway Gates, in addition to the above one No. Limb monitor, each has been installed at South Gate and NSICT Gate. 10 Nos. of Isotope Identifier, 10 Nos. Portable Radiation Detector and 10 Nos. Radiation Monitors which are hand held devices forming part of total system.

Six Nos. local control station have been commissioned at individual gates and have now been successfully connected through optic fibre to the Main Control Station at the North Gate Complex. M/s ECIL have successfully demonstrated the functionality of the entire system and CISF of the Port which specially trained to operate this system is monitoring on regular basis.

ECIL has appointed a Service Engineer to oversee entire system on round the clockwise basis as per terms and conditions with JNPT. With successfully installation and commissioning of the entire Radiological Detection Equipment system, JNP becomes first Major Port in the country to have installed RDE at all road and rail gates.



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