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JNPT Update on Swachhata Pakhvada



As part of the ongoing fortnight long Swachchta Pakhvada at JNPort, daily activities have been planned involving all the departmental heads, officers & staff. Every department has chalked out plan with timelines to implement swachhata abhiyaan in their area of work.
In the last 3 days following activities have been carried out:
i) Upkeep and cleaning of the offices including common area, premises, toilets, stairs of Administration Building, POC Building, JNPT Hospital, Training Centre, Guest House, wharf, Port Roads, Parks in township and lawn in Port area was carried out through the ProjectAffectedPersons(PAP) Labour Society.
ii) The weeding of old files and records has been carried out in the Marine Department and MS Department.
iii) Disposal of e-waste (12.6 tonnes) from the Stores through authorized agency.
iv) Dustbins at regular interval (50 mtr interval) are placed in the Port area.
v) Boards indicating about Dos and Don’ts about cleanliness are installed in the port area.
vi) Plantation in road sides/dividers has been carried out on the road approaching Administration Building & Training centre.
vii) Proper keeping of files records, Dak pads and other important papers in the office along with weeding of old files carried out in Marine Department, Administration Department & Finance department.
viii) The scrap materials lying in the offices has been identified and sent to the stores for disposal.
ix) Cleaning of the solar panels carried out.
i) Painting with uniform colour code of township buildings is in progress.
ii) Removal of unnecessary vegetation along with beautification and cleaning of parks at Guest House and Training Centre carried out.

A daily round of the Port area and meeting with the senior officers is taken by Chairman/Deputy Chairman to supervise and encourage proper implementation of the swachchata abhiyaan. JNPT is committed towards maintaining cleanliness in and around the Port area and aims to inculcate Swachhta culture in all its employees and their families.



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