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Lidl’s box line launches new service from Bangladesh to Europe

Tailwind Shipping Lines, founded less than a year ago as a subsidiary of Lidl International, is introducing a new liner service focussed on transporting textile items from Bangladesh to Europe.

The new Tiger Express service (TEX service) will connect the port of Chittagong in Bangladesh with the port of Barcelona in Spain in less than 20 days, according to the company.

“For European retailers, this means that goods will arrive on their store shelves on time even in periods of often overburdened supply chains,” said Tailwind Shipping Lines, which noted the new offer is also aimed at third-party customers.

“Owing to the ships we deploy, we can reach the region without any intermediate stops or transshipment,” pointed out Wolf Tiedemann, the board member of Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG responsible for logistics as well as the managing director of Tailwind Shipping Lines GmbH & Co. KG.

“Especially thanks to the direct connection between Bangladesh and Europe, this will represent a huge increase in efficiency, which we will also use to boost the reliability of the supply chains for our customers,” he added. Tailwind Shipping Lines said that the new service will call at smaller ports and noted that both in Barcelona and in the Dutch port town of Moerdijk, the items will be able to be loaded onto trucks in a very short period of time and transported directly to their respective destinations.


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