In the first quarter of the current fiscal, exports from Madhya Pradesh increased by 5% to Rs.16,155 Cr on a Y-o-Y basis. The Indore city topped in terms of exports from the state, posting a value of Rs.5083 Cr, representing an increase of 18% over the previous year. Pharmaceuticals and engineering goods, oil meal, cotton fabrics, biologicals and basmati rice led the growth in exports. Primary export destinations were US, Bangladesh, UAE, France and the Netherlands. Exports to the US, the top export market surged by 30% to Rs.3254 Cr in the Q1, 2024, over the same quarter in the previous year. Exports to Bangladesh were valued at Rs.1237 Cr and to UAE were at Rs.632 Cr and France at Rs.629 Cr. Exports to the US market have grown significantly particularly in the pharmaceutical and textile sectors.