Key Details of the New Service:
Route: BIRGANJ to Visakhapatnam Port
Inclusions in Tariff: Rail Haulage from BIRGANJ to Visakhapatnam port, CTD & Processing Charges at Port
Export Service mode: CY
Customer Responsibility: While Maersk tariff covers Rail Haulage, TP/CTD (single TP/CTD is covered. In case of additional TP/CTD, additional cost will be applicable basis per TP/CTD), and Dock Charges only. Other charges related to local handling in Nepal (ICD BIRGANJ, Nepal Customs, Nepal border charges) and other port-related fees will be on customer’s account.
For inquiries or additional assistance, please reach out to Customer Service team:
Nepal: +91 2068182400 and +91 4068467200 or via email at [email protected]
Kolkata and Visakhapatnam: at 1800-419-9121 or email us at [email protected]