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Maersk places order for 20 dual-fuel container ships

Twenty container ships with dual-fuel engines have been ordered by Danish ocean carrier Maersk.

Twenty container ships with dual-fuel engines have been ordered by Danish ocean carrier Maersk. For the building of the ships, which will have a total capacity of 300,000 TEUs, the business inked contracts with three shipyards. Two 9,000 TEU and six 17,000 TEU container ships have been ordered by Maersk from Yangzijiang Shipbuilding in China. They have also reached agreements to construct six 15,000 TEU ships with New Times Shipbuilding in China and another six with Hanwha Ocean in South Korea.

With these contracts, Maersk completes the planned owned newbuilding orders that were revealed in the fleet renewal plan update from August 2024. The 20 ships, which range in size from 9,000 to 17,000 TEUs, will all have dual-fuel propulsion systems powered by liquefied gas. It is anticipated that the delivery of the container ships will be finished by 2030, having begun in 2028.

The plan to charter a variety of methanol and liquefied gas dual-fuel vessels with a combined capacity of 500,000 TEU was also revealed in Maersk’s August fleet update. These charter agreements with various tonnage sources have now been finalized by Maersk. The charter vessels will gradually replace the current capacity.


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