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MANSA in the Steering Committee of Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN)

MACN-India is receiving an increasing number of feedback from Masters of vessels and allied stakeholders that their port user experience in India is getting better and cleaner, progressively.

Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN)-India was launched in July 2022. To co-opt industry feedback and guidance, MACN-India has constituted a Steering Committee comprising of senior level functionaries of the IPA, MANSA, CSLA, FOSMA, MASSA, INSA, and GlobalMET. This Committee, constituted in March 2023, meets quarterly, its recent being at Mumbai on 31st August 2023. It has succeeded, through a concerted collective action effort, over the past one year, in combating maritime corruption in the country. It has engaged extensively with a wide array of stakeholders concerned, both in the public and private sectors. Through its digital initiatives, MACN-India has already operationalised a Helpdesk and will soon be functionalising an e-dashboard.

It has received around 500 PANs (Pre-Arrival Notifications) from maritime companies / vessel masters / agents. 16 maritime corruption incidents have been reported to MACN-India, so far, all of which has escalated to the senior-most functionaries of the agencies concerned, actively followed them up and resolved, in quick time, with a 100% success. MACN-India is receiving an increasing number of feedback from Masters of vessels and allied stakeholders that their port user experience in India is getting better and cleaner, progressively.


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