As of January, there were 7,211 container ships operating globally with a combined capacity of 31.5604 million TEUs, or over 374 million deadweight tonnes, according to the most recent data. The combined capacity of the top three linear motor manufacturers represents 46.33% of the worldwide market.
According to global throughput, the top three liner companies are CMA CGM (3.8472 million TEUs, or 12.19%), Maersk Line (4.4286 million TEUs, or 14.03%), and Mediterranean Shipping (6.3449 million TEUs, or 20.10%). China Ocean Shipping Group, Hapag-Lloyd, Ocean Network Shipping (ONE), Evergreen Marine, Hyundai Merchant Marine, ZIM Shipping, and Yang Ming Marine Transport are the shipping companies that rank fourth through tenth in terms of capacity. The seven biggest shipping companies have a combined capacity of more than 1.5 million TEUs.
COSCO Shipping Container Lines is ranked fourth, SITC International is ranked fourteenth, Ningbo Ocean Shipping is ranked twenty-three, Antong Holdings (Quanzhou Ansheng Shipping) is ranked twenty-five, and Tangshan Port is ranked twenty-sixth among Chinese firms involved in liner shipping in mainland China. Hede Shipping comes in at number 26, Zhonggu Xinliang Shipping comes in at number 29, Sinotrans Container Transport comes in at number 33, Shanghai Jinjiang Shipping comes in at number 35, Yangpu Xinyuan Shipping comes in at number 45, and Zhonglian Shipping comes in at number 48. Of these, Tianjin Datong Shipping came in at number 93, Dalian Jifa Bohai Container Transport came in at number 87, Dalian Trade Winds Shipping came in at number 87, Hai’an New Port came in at number 78, and Taicang Port came in at number 66.