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NACFS & CFSAI host logistics trade event in New Delhi

The event commemorated with NACFSs 30th AGM which was held earlier during the day.

Maritime & logistics professionals and industry stakeholders, namely importers-exporters, freight brokers, ICD & CFS operators, shipping lines, multi-modal operators and others from across India, gathered at the “India Habitat Centre” in New Delhi on 8th November to participate in the NACFS-CFSAI jointly hosted Trade Meet with a theme “Logistics Efficiency Enhancement—Way forward, Amrit Kaal 2047”.

The trade event was conceptualised by NACFS & CFSAI jointly, who share a strong bond in letter and spirit having inked a joint cooperation agreement a few years ago. Both Apex associations have been working closely on common trade issues with other stakeholders and policymakers, namely CBIC, Commerce, Shipping & other concerned ministries. Their joint submissions on genuine issues have also been truly appreciated by CBIC & other ministries, and they have favourably considered certain policy reforms after several rounds of consultative meetings. Redressal of such issues indeed paves a way forward to enhancing logistics efficiency, and the industry has welcomed such trade facilitation and progressive initiatives of CBIC.

The event was commemorated with NACFS 30th AGM, which was held earlier during the day.  Pramod Kumar Srivastava, President NACFS, in his welcome address thanked all members of NACFS & CFSAI present in large numbers for their continued support and highlighted the initiatives and achievements during the year under review.

S Padmanabhan, National Secretary, conducted the proceedings of AGM and Chairman’s of all Chapters highlighted the salient points and specific regional issues Post-AGM, since the majority of CFSs & ICD members from both NACFS & CFSAI were present for the AGM in New Delhi, senior officials from DG Systems namely Anuj Gogia Principal ADG, DG Systems, Ananth Rathakrishnan, Director Customs and Rohit Singla, Addl Director DG Systems under the guidance of JS Customs, CBIC exhibited an unprecedented and kind gesture of addressing all custodians in a hybrid mode. This was with an aim to provide full clarity in order to ensure smooth role out of SCMTR 2018, one of the most progressive “game changer” imitative of CBIC in recent times.

In the trade meet, which commenced later in the evening, in his welcome address, Pramod Srivastava, on behalf of NACFS & CFSAI extended a warm welcome to Anupam Prakash, IRS, JS Customs, CBIC and all the other senior Ministry officials, Ananth Rathakrishnan, IRS Director Customs, Sagar Kadu, Director Logistics and Atul Singh IRS ADC (Policy) CBIC. He also welcomed all the esteemed delegate from the trade for their overwhelming support and joining in such a large number for the trade meet event.

Umesh Grover Secretary General, CFSAI made a crisp presentation on CFS/ICD-Adding value in Supply Chain highlighting the role of CFSs/ ICDs as custodians in EXIM.

containerized trade as well as the value addition provided by them under “Ease of doing Business”. He also sensitized certain issues of concern faced by them and thanked JS Customs and officials of CBIC for their patient hearing of NACFS-CFSAI submissions over several months and their assurance of policy reforms towards some of the genuine concerns. This was extremely heartening for the entire EXIM trade. In conclusion of his presentation, he sought government support by way of augmenting infrastructure and policy measures that would further pave the path towards enhancement of logistics efficiency.

Girish Kumar Surpur, CEO NLDS, spoke about the Logistics Data service provided to the EXIM containerized trade by them thru a JV of Government of India’s National Infra Corridor Development & Japanese IT NEC, with an objective to provide EXIM container visibility service across India with comparative performance metrics for all Logistics Operators pan-India. This has facilitated best practices by bringing visibility and transparency in Logistics environment. He thanked the stakeholders present for their unstinted support, participation & cooperation in this project, which has assisted NLDS in creating data bank for over 55 million moves.

Ravi Kumar Yamarathy, the dynamic CEO of Logistics Sector Skill Council (LSC) of which NACFS is an active member, made a sensational presentation on outstanding and unprecedented path-breaking achievements in Skilling, upskilling Training and arranging Apprenticeship for several thousand Logistics personnel and creating a skilled Pool of Logistics professionals. The training is spread over covering every single activity of Logistics sector and that too at no cost to the trade. He emphasised that skilled work force in Logistics sector would go a long way in improving Logistics Efficiency across India.

The participants in the trade Meet were impressed on seeing the achievements of LSC and noted that several thousand drivers with world-class training by LSC had gained employment not only in India but in EU and especially Germany. It was matter of pride for all Indians.

Sagar Kadu, Director Logistics, with his very crisp and excellent presentation and a short film on “Gati Shakti,” the National Master Plan for multimodal connectivity through a Digital platform, has enabled 16 ministries, including railways and roads, to come together for integrated planning and coordinated implementation of infrastructure connectivity projects.

Ananth Rathakishnan, Director Customs, gave an in-depth overview of the unprecedented path-breaking initiates of CBIC in “Trade Facilitation by Customs.”. Digitization of all Processes leading to huge reduction of Time and transaction cost and improving India’s ranking in Trading across Borders was a testimony of the Trade facilitative measures of CBIC. The Time Release Study, a researched document, had shown that the time taken by Customs in granting export/import clearances has reduced to a few hours and is in line with most of the developed nations. This will give further boost to the EXIM trade, and he sought support of all stakeholders in doing their best from their end as well.

Anupam Prakash, JS Customs, in his address as Chief Guest shared the vision of PM and CBIC’s unprecedented initiates, through extensive digitalisation, identifying trade barriers and addressing them through policy reforms. He further enlightened the stakeholders on the crucial role of Customs in securing legitimate sovereign revenue through duties and taxes applicable on Imported goods and services and, most importantly, the prevention of smuggling on international borders, thus enhancing national security.

In order to express gratitude to CBIC & ministry for their kind support and also all the Apex trade Bodies in Logistics sector for their unstinted support to CFS/ICD fraternity, S Padmanabhan, convenor of the event requested Pramod Srivastava, President NACFS & Percy Vapiwala, VP CFSAI, to present mementos to the Chief Guest, speakers, Association and media personnel present. Chief Guest, Presidents / Senior representatives of FFFAI, FIEO, AMTOI, CSLA, ACTO, NISSA, ACAAI, and DCBA were felicitated and conferred the honour.

In line with WCO & CBIC initiatives. Both NACFS & CFSAI have created “Women’s wing,” headed by Priya Ravishankar and Kruti Jobanputra respectively Priya Ravishankar being present, was felicitated & also handed over mementos to the Chief Guest and other esteemed speakers on the dais.

To commemorate the event, a compilation of all HCCAR 2009 Circulars & Notifications since 2009, “Referencer for CFSs/ICDs/AFSs Operators,” was released by the Chief Guest, dignitaries on the dais, & RR Joshi Past President NACFS.

Ramprasad Ravi, Editor in Chief of Maritime Gateway, and media partners for the event brought out a special edition of “Freight Station,” an exclusive newsletter of NACFS & CFSAI.

Finally, on the conclusion of the event, Percy Vapiwala, in his “Vote of Thanks,” complimented all who were involved in making this event a success. He expressed sincere gratitude and special thanks to R.R. Joshi, past president of NACFS.


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