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Sagar Mein Samman protects and enhances well-being of women seafarers

Capt Daniel Joseph, The Directorate General of Shipping (Crew), India, highlights the initiatives taken DG Shipping during his address at Maritime SheEO Conference

Addressing the MaritimeSheEO Conference held on November 15, 2024, at the Taj Santacruz in Mumbai, Capt Daniel Joseph, the Directorate General of Shipping, India, highlighted the initiatives taken by the directorate for the well-being of women seafarers. He mentioned that the Sagar Mein Samman, which translates to Honour at the Sea, is an initiative to protect and enhance the well-being of women seafarers, the backbone of global trade and the economy. The directorate in September 2019 gave a brief overview of the guidelines for measures for promoting women seafarers and providing conducive work, and then in January 2023 the directorate issued another order to emphasize the importance of gender sensitization training for cadets in the maritime industry.

National Commission for Women (NCW), which has developed materials for gender sensitization, including booklet modules targeting students to promote gender equity, he said.

The Sagar Mein Samman initiative was launched during the Global Maritime India Summit 2023, which was held in Mumbai between 17th and 19th October 2023. Post-GIMS 2023, there have been initiatives taken to independently discuss with stakeholders’ consultation for developing a comprehensive policy framework.

“The initiative serves three primary objectives – recognition and respect, well-being and mental health, safety and security to ensure safe and working conditions on board. By focusing on these three pillars, the initiative seeks to create an environment where women seafarers feel supported, respected and valued,” he said.

“We have registered 10,574 women seafarers with their NDOS number in the directory, which was a low figure. There is a 514% increase in the growth of urban seafarers in the last decade, in the
last 10 years,” he said.

The Directorate initiated the Women Task Force in November 2024, where a large number of women seafarers and also women in maritime had participated and volunteered to be part of the task force. The task force will create a comprehensive policy document, which will be supported by the Maritime Union of India, which has volunteered to be part of this cause.

This initiative will be under the various maritime women associations such as BEMA, ISW, Vista, MaritimeShEO, etc. Everybody is working on this cause, but they are working in silos for the Women in Maritime on one platform; hence, the aim is to bring all women under the task force.

“This policy and the broad outlines of the action framework will be evolved with consultation, with leading seafarers recruiting companies like which we have already had discussion, fleet management, MSC, Anglo-Western, Synergy, cruise companies such as Royal Caribbean, Carnival Cruises, and MERS, etc,” Capt Daniel Joseph said. He further said that this will also be supported by leading progressive institutions like TSMR, MASSA Maritime Academy, etc. Also, there will be nodal representatives from IMO who have already participated, officials from AMET University, and other industry experts and contributors.
In the concluding remarks, he said, “More than just directorate initiative, it is a movement towards honouring those women who work tirelessly at sea. It stands as a testament to our commitment to protect, respect, and empower our women seafarers. I urge all of us in the maritime community to support and promote the Sagar Mein Samman initiative, ensuring that women and women of all age groups have the opportunity to support and promote the Sagar Mein Samman initiative.”


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