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Home » News » Visakhapatnam port handles record quantity of alumina

Visakhapatnam port handles record quantity of alumina

Port Secretary T Venugopal said this is a remarkable performance by the stevedores M/s. Sravan Shipping Private Limited and M/s. Eswar Shipping Services is the steamer agent.

Visakhapatnam Port Authority (VPA) shares a record quantity of 7,639 Metric Tonnes with a gang hook output of 637 MT Calcinated Alumina in the bulk of M/S. Utkal Alumina International Limited was loaded into MV HPC Future vessel at East Quay-3 surpassing its record quantity of 7549 metric tonnes during last month (November, 2023).

Port Secretary T Venugopal informed that this is a remarkable hattrick performance by the stevedores M/s. Sravan Shipping Private Limited and M/s. Eswar Shipping Services is the steamer agent for the vessel which is a record creation during the year 2023-24.

VPA Chairman Dr. M Angamuthu commended the stevedores and the steamer agents, and also the traffic manager of the port B Ratna Sekhara Rao. He said that many more records would come into the VPA way to reach the targets of the ministry.


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