Home » News » Visakhapatnam Port inks pact to develop East Quay 6 berth

Visakhapatnam Port inks pact to develop East Quay 6 berth

The berth will handle multiple types of dry bulk cargo on DBFOT basis. The concessionaire Eversun Marine Ports Private Limited bagged the contract by quoting the highest royalty.

Visakhapatnam Port Authority has inked a concession agreement with Eversun Marine Ports Private Limited for a PPP project “Development and Mechanization of existing East Quay-6 (EQ-6) berth in the inner Harbour. The berth will handle multiple types of dry bulk cargo on DBFOT basis. The concessionaire Eversun Marine Ports Private Limited bagged the contract by quoting the highest royalty.

The proposed facility is a semi-mechanisation of the existing EQ-6 berth with a length of 255 meters with a dredge depth draft of 12.10 M and can cater to 200 M LoA vessels. The project envisages installation of one new Harbour Mobile Crane (HMC) of 1500 TPH (tonnes per day) with lifting capacity of 120T, one mobile hopper along with other handling equipment i.e. cranes, loaders, trucks and forklifts with a total investment of Rs 66.12 crore.

On a separate note, Visakhapatnam Port Authority has called for bids for preparing a DPR to carry out the expansion of truck parking terminal (Phase-II).

The successful bidder will be required to provide project management consultancy service including development of the feasibility report & DPR/TEFR, including the financial model for the finalised location, detailed engineering with designs, drawings, cost estimates, develop a revenue model, project structure, providing PMC services during execution of work assisting in supervision of works at site, QC, providing suitable solution at site, till the final completion of the work.

The bid submission closing date is 03 September, 2024.     


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